Friday, April 16, 2010

Coming Soon, The Adventures of Ipaladin, One Ipad On The Road

Ipad Will Travel will be, as the name implies, a blog that will show readers the ways an iPad can be used to make driving an average of 1500-2000 miles a week (in my job as a full-time Hot Shot driver) a little easier.

It is my hope that it will come in handy as a primer/tip sheet for other Hot Shot drivers, truckers, travelers, and ordinary commuters.

Along the way I also hope to be able to bring you photos (maybe video clips, later) and short musings of the small towns, vistas, as well as BBQ and down home eatin' joints that I think should be given some notice--as I travel across Texas (and sometimes into OK, LA, and AR).

When will all of this "kick-off?" As soon as Apple gets my iPad 3G model into my hands.

With that, may ALL your roads in life be pothole, and traffic jam, free!
Yours, Ipaladin